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Church Saint George, Kuchkovo

Church Saint George, Kuchkovo, Skopje

The church „Saint George“, also known as „George of Lydda“, is located in the village of Kuchkovo, near Skopje. This church is part of the monastery complex „St. George“ and is an important cultural and religious monument in the region. It was built in 1346 and is part of the Macedonian Orthodox Church, falling under the Skopje Diocese.

Манастир Свети Ѓорѓија
Monastery Saint George of Lydda

Historical and cultural significance

The church has a rich history and significance for the local population. During its existence, it was neglected and began to fail. However, towards the end of the 20th century, in the period from 1986 to 1990, the monastery complex was restored, which includes the construction of new lodgings, a bell tower and other auxiliary buildings.

Architectural and artistic features

The iconostasis in the church is unique, made by Petre Kamenjarkata from the village of Lesnovo, and is made of hewn stone. The frescoes, which are a significant part of the interior of the church, were restored by Petre Veleshanec with his team. These frescoes represent a striking iconic fresco painting that attracts believers and visitors.

Location and spiritual significance

The church „St. George“ is located on a hill above the village of Kuchkovo, which makes it a great place to visit and rest. The monastery offers lodgings for sleeping and consecrated fountains, where the faithful wash for health and peace, believing in the healing power of the place. Many believers come here to find peace and spiritual support, encouraged by the beautiful natural environment and spiritual energy of the church.

Црква Свети Ѓорѓи, Кучково
Church Saint George, Kuchkovo

With its long history, cultural significance and beautiful location, the church „St. George“ or „George of Lydda“ in Kuchkovo is a real spiritual and cultural treasure of Macedonia. Visit this holy place to experience part of Macedonian history and feel the spiritual strength radiated by this unique church.

One comment

  1. […] The monastery Saint George is another important religious building in the village of Kuchkovo. Built in 1346, the monastery is one of the main attractions in the village. Restored in the late 20th century, it is an important spiritual sanctuary, known for its 15th-century icons and frescoes. […]

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